
Showing posts from July, 2019

Mishkan @ Heel Stone

_________________________________________ THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF STONEHENGE EXCAVATIONS 1611. King James VI and I investigated Stonehenge to see "The stone which the builders refused", "The stone which the builders reiected", and "the stone which the builders disallowed". King James Version: 1611 1616. Doctor William Harvey, Gilbert North, and Inigo Jones find horns of stags and oxen, coals, charcoals, batter-dashers, heads of arrows, pieces of rusted armour, rotten bones, thuribulum (censer) pottery, and a large nail. Long, William, 1876, Stonehenge and its Barrows. The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, Volume 16 1620. George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, dug a large hole in the ground at the center of Stonehenge looking for buried treasure. (Diary) 1633-52. Inigo Jones conducted the first 'scientific' surveys of Stonehenge. Jones, I, and Webb, J, 1655, The most notable antiquity of Great Britain vulgarly cal...